Pollary Family Dentistry

A Tooth That Has Lost a Filling Might Need to Be Restored by a Crown

A Tooth That Has Lost a Filling Might Need to Be Restored by a Crown

When it comes to dental health, a missing filling may seem like a minor issue at first glance. However, ignoring it can lead to more serious problems down the line. That's where dental crowns come into play. Not only do they restore your tooth's strength and function, but they also enhance its appearance. A dental crown is a prosthetic device that fits over a damaged or decayed tooth. It encases the entire tooth, from the gumline to its chewing surface, restoring both function and aesthetics. 

Why a Tooth Needs a Crown

Crowns are used to protect weak teeth from breaking or cracking. If you have a large cavity or your tooth has undergone root canal treatment, it may be more susceptible to damage. Placing a crown on top of it ensures that it can withstand everyday wear and tear.

Crowns can improve the appearance of misshapen, discolored, or crooked teeth. They come in various materials, such as porcelain and ceramic, which mimic natural teeth coloration.

If you have lost a filling due to decay or trauma, your tooth will need additional support, which only a crown can provide. Over time this procedure prevents further damage.

There are many reasons why getting a dental crown is necessary for maintaining good oral health long-term!

The Different Types of Crowns

The most common type of crown is porcelain fused to metal (PFM). These crowns provide durability with a natural-looking appearance as they match the color of your teeth. PFM crowns can be used for both front and back teeth.

Another popular option is all-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns which provide excellent aesthetics since there's no metal involved in their construction. They're usually preferred for front teeth due to their ability to blend seamlessly with adjacent natural teeth.

Gold alloy crowns offer longevity and wear resistance while also being kinder on opposing teeth than porcelain or ceramic options. However, they're not typically chosen for visible areas since they don't have an aesthetic appeal like other materials.

Zirconia is one of the newest materials utilized for making dental crowns - this material offers great durability but does require more tooth preparation compared to other options.

It's essential to consult with your dentist regarding what type suits best for you based on the location of your mouth and cosmetic preferences.

The Procedure For Getting a Crown

The procedure of getting a crown involves several steps that aim to restore the tooth's function and appearance. First, your dentist will examine the affected tooth and take X-rays to determine the extent of damage or decay.

Afterward, they will numb the area around the tooth with local anesthesia to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. The next step is to prepare the tooth by removing any damaged or decayed parts as well as some of its enamel to create space for fitting in a crown.

Your dentist will then use dental putty to make an impression of your prepared tooth, which they send out to a dental laboratory where your custom-made crown gets fabricated. Meanwhile, you may receive a temporary crown until your permanent one gets ready. Once ready, you'll revisit your dentist, who removes the temporary crown and fits in place, and cements it securely onto your prepared natural teeth. Your dentist will then assess if there are any adjustments required before polishing up everything for an excellent fit!

How to Take Care of Your New Crown

Taking care of your new crown is essential to ensure its longevity and functionality. Here are some tips to help you maintain good oral hygiene after getting a dental crown:

  • Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste helps to remove plaque from your teeth and the surface of the crown. Using floss or interdental brushes can also help remove any food debris that may accumulate between your teeth.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods like ice or candy, as it can damage the crown or cause it to come loose. If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a night guard can protect both your natural teeth and the crown.
  • It's important to keep up with regular dental check-ups and cleanings as they will allow dentists to monitor the condition of your crowned tooth and prevent any potential problems from developing.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is beneficial for both natural teeth and crowns alike. Avoiding sugary snacks and drinks helps prevent decay around the margins of the crown, which could lead to further issues down the line.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your new crown remains strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing for years to come!

If you wish to learn more, visit our office, Pollary Family Dentistry, at 6165 Lehman Dr #104, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. You can also reach Dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, at 719-591-0750 and schedule an appointment.


6165 Lehman Dr #104, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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Email: info@pollaryfamilydentistry.com

Phone: (719) 591-0750