Pollary Family Dentistry

Do you Have Gum Recession?

Do you Have Gum Recession?

Gum recession, also known as gingival recession, occurs when the gum tissue surrounding your teeth gradually pulls back or wears away. This can expose more of the tooth and even the root surface, leading to potential dental issues. It is important to note that gum recession is often a slow and gradual process, making it easy to overlook until significant damage has occurred.

There are several factors that can contribute to gum recession. One common cause is poor oral hygiene habits, such as aggressive brushing or inadequate flossing. Brushing too hard can actually erode the delicate gum tissue over time. Other causes include genetic predisposition, hormonal changes (particularly in women), smoking, certain medications, crooked teeth, and even grinding or clenching your teeth.

While you may not experience any pain with gum recession initially, there are some telltale signs to watch out for. These include longer-looking teeth due to exposed roots, increased sensitivity to hot or cold food/drinks, swollen gums with a shiny appearance, and even loose teeth in severe cases.

If left untreated, receding gums can lead to various complications, including tooth decay near the exposed roots, cavities forming in these areas, and an increased risk of developing periodontal disease, which could ultimately result in tooth loss.

Symptoms of Gum Recession

Gum recession is a common dental problem that many people may not even be aware they have. It occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back or wears away, exposing more of the tooth and its root. While it can happen gradually over time, there are certain symptoms to watch out for:

1. Tooth Sensitivity: One of the first signs of gum recession is increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks. This happens because as the gums recede, the roots become exposed and are more sensitive.

2. Longer Teeth: If you notice that your teeth appear longer than before, it could be due to gum recession. As the gums pull away from the teeth, more of their length becomes visible.

3. Visible Root Surface: In advanced cases of gum recession, you might actually see parts of your tooth's root surface exposed near the gum line.

4. Loose Teeth: When gums recede significantly, it can lead to loose or shifting teeth as they lose support from the healthy gum tissue.

5. Gum Inflammation/Bleeding: If your gums appear red, swollen, or bleed easily when brushing or flossing, it could be a sign of gum recession.

If you experience any combination of these symptoms, it's essential to visit a dentist for evaluation and treatment options tailored to your specific needs

Treatment for Gum Recession

When it comes to treating gum recession, there are several options available depending on the severity of the condition. Your dentist will assess your specific case and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

One common treatment option is scaling and root planing. This involves deep cleaning of the teeth and roots to remove plaque and tartar buildup. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to control any infection present.

For more advanced cases of gum recession, surgical procedures may be necessary. These can include soft tissue grafts, where tissue from another part of your mouth is used to cover exposed roots, or guided tissue regeneration, which encourages new bone growth in areas affected by gum recession.

In addition to these treatments, it's important to address any underlying causes of gum recession. This may involve improving oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing techniques or quitting smoking if applicable.

Remember that early detection is key when it comes to treating gum recession. Regular dental check-ups can help identify any signs or symptoms before they worsen. So don't neglect your oral health – take action today!

How to Prevent Gum Recession

Taking care of your gums is essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing gum recession. Here are some tips on how to prevent gum recession:

1. Practice proper oral hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to gently brush along the gumline to remove plaque and bacteria.

2. Floss regularly: Daily flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and along the gum line, reducing the risk of gum disease and recession.

3. Use a mouthwash: Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash after brushing and flossing to help kill harmful bacteria that can cause gum infections.

4. Be gentle when brushing: Avoid aggressive brushing as it can irritate the gums and contribute to their recession. Instead, use gentle circular motions to clean your teeth effectively without causing damage.

5. Quit smoking: Smoking not only increases the risk of gum disease but also hampers blood flow, making it harder for gums to heal if they become damaged.

6. Eat a balanced diet: A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products provides essential nutrients for strong teeth and gums.

7. Visit your dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups are crucial for the early detection of any signs or symptoms of gum problems like recession or periodontal disease.

By following these preventive measures consistently, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing gum recession or other dental issues related to poor oral hygiene habits.
Remember that prevention is always better than cure when it comes to maintaining optimal oral health! So take action now by implementing these simple yet effective strategies into your daily routine.
Take charge of your dental health today!


6165 Lehman Dr #104, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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Email: info@pollaryfamilydentistry.com

Phone: (719) 591-0750