Are you ready to protect your teeth and gums through the use of a mouth guard? A mouth guard is an oral appliance typically used to keep your teeth and gums safe from blunt trauma. Although mouth guards can drastically lower your risk for several oral emergencies, it is only meant to minimize damage rather than stopping it completely.
A mouth guard typically comes in three varieties, including custom-made guards, boil and bite guards and stock mouth guards. If you are in the market for a stock mouth guard, simply visit a local store and purchase one that comes preformed and ready-to-wear. However, for a customized mouth guard, consider a custom-made guard fashioned by your dentist or a boil and bite guard that is shaped due to biting into it when it is soft to create your dental impression.
Once your mouth guard is selected, remember to care for it properly. Always rinse it off to lower your risk for contamination and visit our dentist for repairs or replacements if any damage should occur to the guard. To avoid damage to it, never leave it out sitting somewhere where it can dry out in the sun or hot water and never leave it sitting around where it can come into contact with the grasp of a family pet or a younger sibling.
Are you in need of a dentist in Colorado Springs, Colorado? If so, our team at Pollary Family Dentistry can help. To schedule a visit to our dental office, call us at 719-591-0750 for an appointment. Dr. Kenneth Pollary and our team look forward to seeing you soon!
MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
SAT - SUN Closed